Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Niece, Allie!

As of March 23rd, I had a new niece- Allie!  Tanner and Shelly-Allie's parents- live in California and Hunter and I are too poor and lazy to venture over there.  Thus, Allie had to wait until this past weekend to meet her favorite Aunt.  

Here we are at Grandma Garner's house hanging out.  

We played and snuggled for almost 2 hours!  Just us! 

She looks like her dad a ton! 

She's checking out how hot her Uncle Hunter is....


Can't wait for next niece- Abby!  Who will be born early November.  Keep track of her progress and her parent's preparation here.  


Office Makeover in 24 hours

We have a three bedroom house.  With no babies, the extra two bedrooms are not used to their max capacity.  One was our "office" and the other my "craft room that is not a craft room".  We more commonly called it the "supply room".  I basically threw crap in there when there was no where else to put it... I'm sure many of you can relate.  Hunter's brother Tanner simple said "those rooms are just full of desks."  I laughed because he couldn't be more correct.  Both bedrooms had two desks each.  And we never use desks.  Hunter likes them though and finds "the best deal" on a desk on craigslist weekly.  I'm remembering now that we even had one in our bedroom for a few months, but we DID manage to sell that one quickly.  We're down to desks that we like now.  

Anyway, I'm rambling about desks... if you're still reading, I'll move on now.

My major goal this summer was to turn "Craft room" into a real office and turn the old office into a guest bedroom.  
So realizing it's the end of July and my summer lovin' is almost over... 
I turned this blue lagoon:

Into a cute, work friendly office:

Painting was fast.  I enjoy painting actually.  From blue to this fabulous shade of gray that I am super happy about only took 4 hours (4 coats too!).  

Hunter painted this desk red for me about a year ago.  I didn't know it at the time but when I requested it to be red, I was planning this room already.  

The clock is another favorite part of the room.  $7 on clearance at Wal-mart.  (I think this is the only item from wal-mart being displayed in our house.)

And the curtains which I failed to take a decent picture of are made from a sheet I bought at goodwill four years ago for about $1.  I rushed through sewing them.... it took an hour.  But I think they look perfect.  The yellow brightens everything and the pattern of red flowers with gray and green details pull the entire room together.  

I use this room now.  It's pleasant to sit at a desk and do my nonsense computer tasks.  

I love it!!!!!!

Guestroom will have to wait until Fall break now.  

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Come to my Table, let me feed you

Okay, here's my food blog.  Link it up!

See stuff like this:  I'm not the best photographer....

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Very Long Tuesday

Last Tuesday was busy.  And stressful. And miraculous.

Hunter helped my dad at work at trimmed 50 or so palm trees and came home looking like this:

I think he looks soooo good looking.

Then we helped Todd (brother dearest) into his new apartment in Tempe.  Hunter had already been up since like 5 am but being the trooper he is, he happily moved Todd's bedroom furniture downstairs at my parents and THEN up THREE FLOORS to his new apartment.  Right when mom and I got home from moving Todd at 9pm, her phone rang and one of the scariest calls came in... Dad (who had been at a HOA meeting for work) had got in a roll over accident in his truck and was being air-vacced to Scottsdale Osborne Hospital!  Cry!  We raced over there with Hunter and Todd following close behind.  He was sent to Scottsdale bc they have a trauma unit..oh great.   But because of a beautiful miracle he looked like this when we finally saw him in the ER:

Hunter here trying to looked happy while going on five hours of sleep....  Todd giving me a sassy look. 

Dad had high spirits, but the hospital makes anyone crabby.  Mom is super.  

Dad was released that night with a concussion.  He has been throwing up and dizzy and super super sore for the last few days.  But we are all counting our blessings as he is safe and healthy!  

Mom went to the junk yard the next day to see if she could salvage anything from the truck... She was not ready for the sight she saw:

How was he released that night?  The mess of a truck doesn't match the bruise-less, cut-less dad that came home.  Tender mercies of the Lord!  I love my family.  


So.... we got married two years ago.... and our hard drive crashed a year ago..... but of course we had the wedding pics backed up, no worries ladies and gentlemen.  But I finally uploaded a few my gal Stephanie took.  Here are some shots from that lovely, awesome, bestest, happiest day ever.