Friday, December 20, 2013

Brother Todd Graduates

It's pretty awesome that Todd graduated.  My parents chose different paths than a college education-and it's so cool that Todd, Hunter and I have all had the blessing of going to college and graduating.  

Todd is very very smart.  
He is organized.
He has worked hard on this degree.
He is focused on goals.  

We are so proud of him! 
I am so proud of him. 

Piano Recital Numero Uno

This year I began teaching piano at home instead of teaching choir in the public schools.  It has been quite a change.  It's been wonderful and good- but still has its challenges.  

My small at-home studio is still growing and we had our first recital!  (I had taught in high school and college years ago and had many recitals- but this was the first in my own home and the first with these new students!) 

Here are some beauties that one of my student's dad captured:

**Note: A few students were absent. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

House #2

Street of Dreams came to AZ this past Fall.  ShaLyne and I finally went to see these luxury homes.  There were five houses.  And all of them amazing and unique.  But House #2 blew my mind.  It changed my life in a way.  It was extravagant, beautiful and over the top in every way.  It smelled good.  It was bright.  It was simple, yet detailed.  It made me want to smell good, be bright and simple and detailed and classy.   

I took Hunter there AGAIN so he could be on board with my aspirations.  We now go about life saying "is this 'house 2'"?   We love love love love love houses.  And I love love love love love people.  So I'm even thinking more seriously now about being a realtor.  Yes.  

Here are some peeks into this beauty.