Friday, June 8, 2012

Gracie & Ruby

When we got back from Puerto Rico, my best friend Stephanie and her husband Julio were in a predicament where they needed a babysitter for a couple days.  I gladly helped out!  

These two angels are amazing.  I had the BEST time watching them.  I always love when I get to play "mom" and tend children.  It brings such a sweet feeling into our house.  I can see how challenging it will be to do this day in and day out for years and years.  Here are some things I think I'm already catching up on:

- if you don't get up and get dressed and put your makeup on first thing, it won't happen.  And then it's 5pm and you are wearing PJS, smelling of sour milk, sweating and feeling like a bum. 

- you feel better about yourself when you are dressed and ready, but you still smell of sour milk and sweat.  But you feel less like a bum.  

-Sesame Street is the most tolerable children's show.  It's like SNL for kids.  

- Nap when the babies nap.

- Do the dishes and put away the toys only once a day otherwise that is all you will do all day long.

- Plastic bags from grocery stores really come in hand when disposing of a poopy diaper.

- your back and arms hurt at night and in the morning. 

- you bend down more times than you would ever imagine 

- kids really do the funniest things and you are smiling all day long

Gracie napping like a diva:

Gracie- she's bilingual and when I spoke to her in Spanish she looked at me like "how do you know that secret language?"

Ruby- has a reputation of being fussy, but was the PERFECT baby for me.  Thanks, girl. 

I love her profile, chin just like her moms. 

1 comment:

  1. I saw this post a few days ago, but I was on my phone and I hate trying to comment from that darn thing. Anyway, I thought it was so sweet that you posted about my girls. Thanks so much for watching them for me. You seriously saved my life. You're such a great friend.
