Friday, October 19, 2012

Georgia on my mind

Last weekend we went to Georgia for five days.  

It was my first time being in the Deep South.  And it was a totally different world that I loved getting to know.  

Favorite highlights:
1. Autumn in Georgia- the temperature, the trees, the changing leaves, the Fall Festivals in the country. 
2. The macaroni and cheese- and all the other comfort food- waffles, BBQ and grits. 
3. Seeing three states in 45 minutes
4. The houses! - actual residences that looked as if they were peeled out of magazines and the fancy old plantations and farm houses that we got to tour. 
5.  The Patriotism- and no fear love for God.  

Zip lining

Apple orchard/ Fall festival

Hunter showing me how much he loves me.  (A Bushel and a Peck)



Hunter enjoying the weather. 

Two states.  

Kudzu rules the South.  

Our tourist buddies.  The Currys.  

Steak. And. Shake.  

Can't find this product in the West.  


Church parking lot.  GREEN! 

View from the Curry's front door. 

God fearing Christians. 

Apple pie made by yours truly from the orchard apples we bought. 


Civil War Cannon

BEAUTIFUL forrest. 

Lily pads. 

Hunter's on the phone.  

The Swan House!  Google it.  So amazing. 

The Hunger  Games II had been filmed here a week prior to our visit.  

Cute kid's playhouse at the museum. 

This is THE PAINTING from the movie.  

Margaret Mitchell house aka- Gone with the Wind headquarters. 

Shooting in the South.

Skeet shooting -  I had NO IDEA what I was doing.  


Atlanta Underground

Marietta Square

Australian Bakery- random but delicious. 

Marietta Square

Atlanta, Georgia LDS Temple 

Hunter was so happy to be there.  

1 comment:

  1. Tara loves that popcorn. Can you really not find it here? I know they have it at Walmart.
