This week was cra-zay.
Now I know there are certain things no one wants to hear anyone complain about.
1. The weather- no one is controlling this and everyone around you has to deal with it too- chill out.
2. The traffic- Again, everyone has to deal with it.
3. Your weight- Do something about it or shut up.
4. How tired you are- Sleep more.
5. How busy you are- You are as busy as you want to be.
I love these "no complaining" rules. I think they also apply to lame small talk subjects- but whatever.
Today I will choose to break rule #5.
We are TOO BUSY!
Haha- but really....
It's actually kinda fun to have racing weeks where it seems you fly from one event or task to the next. To feel needed.
And worth it.
To give service.
And work.
And play!
My calendars are chock full of stuff.
October gave me one free day here it looks like......
And November offers me a whopping SIX DAYS! Wooo Hoo!!
Life is good!
But man- it's BUSY!
Busy-ness I'm looking forward to:
- Show with the Olivers
- Getting my carpets cleaned!
- Ben's blessing
-Running a 3K (haha, yes a 3K) with my students
-Family Birthdays
-Auntie Toni's Birthday Party!! woot woot!
-Stake Conference
-Holiday Boutiques
-Mom's Birthday
-Pie making party
- Thanksgiving!
- BLACK FRIDAY (embarrassingly my favorite day of the year...)
-Garner kids Christmas picture
-School field trips
-A Christmas Carol at Hale Theatre
What's this I hear about a Pie making party?