Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How It's Going

So I'm still teaching.  

I haven't quit yet.  

It's going better.

My students still drive me crazy.


But there's enough good that makes me not die.

The weather itself is spectacular here in Arizona.  It makes everything so much better.  

Our windows are open 24/7.  Probably not something I should be declaring to the world. 

Our house smells fresh.  

I'm not eating sugar.  

My timing for this goal is fabulous, right? 

I haven't cheated for two weeks.  

That's a lot for me.  

I worry a lot.   Which is bad.  And is very unlike me. 

Or at least the me I've created these last 27 years. 

But I'm working on it.  

Because I will not be a worry-er for the next 27 years.

I love my calling at church. 

 The women and young women are so special to me. 

They are my friends, young and old. 

I am strengthened as I teach the Gospel. 

We paid $8 for a bag of grapes tonight and that made me mad.  

The End. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012


This week was cra-zay.  

Now I know there are certain things no one wants to hear anyone complain about.  

1. The weather- no one is controlling this and everyone around you has to deal with it too- chill out. 
2. The traffic- Again, everyone has to deal with it. 
3. Your weight- Do something about it or shut up. 
4. How tired you are- Sleep more. 
5. How busy you are- You are as busy as you want to be. 

I love these "no complaining" rules.  I think they also apply to lame small talk subjects- but whatever.

Today I will choose to break rule #5.

We are TOO BUSY!

Haha- but really....

It's actually kinda fun to have racing weeks where it seems you fly from one event or task to the next. To feel needed.
And worth it.

To give service.
And work.

And play!

My calendars are chock full of stuff.  

October gave me one free day here it looks like......

And November offers me a whopping SIX DAYS! Wooo Hoo!!  


Life is good! 

But man- it's BUSY!

Busy-ness I'm looking forward to:

- Show with the Olivers
- Getting my carpets cleaned!
- Ben's blessing
-Running a 3K (haha, yes a 3K) with my students
-Family Birthdays
-Auntie Toni's Birthday Party!! woot woot! 
-Stake Conference
-Holiday Boutiques
-Mom's Birthday
-Pie making party
- Thanksgiving!
- BLACK FRIDAY (embarrassingly my favorite day of the year...)
-Garner kids Christmas picture
-School field trips
-A Christmas Carol at Hale Theatre

Another Halloween

We were happy to host another year of our ward's trunk or treat.  

It's a lot of work.  

But it always turns out fabulous with EVERYONE'S help.  

Hunter and I are nothing more than master delegators.  

I'm all into balloons this year. 

There's quite a hype amongst our ward as they prepare for our costumes each year.  Last year it was actually announced from the pulpit: "Our ward trunk or treat is coming up and if you come only to see what the Garners will dress up as it will be worth it."  

I about died. 

Hunter was the Grinch this year.  He's been planning it since last year.  He's wearing a full green body suit that we glued white cotton spider webs to and then spray painted green.  

But his face completes it. 

I joined him as Martha May Whovier.   Eh.   

People really didn't know who I was.  And I understood.  It was a stretch.  But I loved wearing Christmas garb.  And yes, Kaci, that is the green dress from your wedding folded over into a skirt.

Night #2 Hunter and I toned down a bit.  Mostly because we used all the green paint and makeup we had.  

We were Pinterest and Facebook.  

(I have safety pins all over my sweater and Hunter has "book" written on his face.)

Sadly, on the actually 31st- Hunter has class till late at night.  Fortunately though- it is his surgical technics class where he will be re-arranging rats.  
Sounds very appropriate for Halloween if you ask me. 

So I'll be joining friends for some trick or treating and neighborhood halloween par-tays. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Georgia on my mind

Last weekend we went to Georgia for five days.  

It was my first time being in the Deep South.  And it was a totally different world that I loved getting to know.  

Favorite highlights:
1. Autumn in Georgia- the temperature, the trees, the changing leaves, the Fall Festivals in the country. 
2. The macaroni and cheese- and all the other comfort food- waffles, BBQ and grits. 
3. Seeing three states in 45 minutes
4. The houses! - actual residences that looked as if they were peeled out of magazines and the fancy old plantations and farm houses that we got to tour. 
5.  The Patriotism- and no fear love for God.  

Zip lining

Apple orchard/ Fall festival

Hunter showing me how much he loves me.  (A Bushel and a Peck)



Hunter enjoying the weather. 

Two states.  

Kudzu rules the South.  

Our tourist buddies.  The Currys.  

Steak. And. Shake.  

Can't find this product in the West.  


Church parking lot.  GREEN! 

View from the Curry's front door. 

God fearing Christians. 

Apple pie made by yours truly from the orchard apples we bought. 


Civil War Cannon

BEAUTIFUL forrest. 

Lily pads. 

Hunter's on the phone.  

The Swan House!  Google it.  So amazing. 

The Hunger  Games II had been filmed here a week prior to our visit.  

Cute kid's playhouse at the museum. 

This is THE PAINTING from the movie.  

Margaret Mitchell house aka- Gone with the Wind headquarters. 

Shooting in the South.

Skeet shooting -  I had NO IDEA what I was doing.  


Atlanta Underground

Marietta Square

Australian Bakery- random but delicious. 

Marietta Square

Atlanta, Georgia LDS Temple 

Hunter was so happy to be there.