Monday, February 1, 2016

The Other Side of 30

Friday was my birthday and I turned 31!

Birthday Schedule:

8:45am- Henry and Hunter wake me up singing happy birthday.  Henry eats and Hunter gives me two very cute necklaces and a kiss.

9:15- We meet my parents for breakfast.  First time at The Hen House.  And it will definitely NOT  be our last! Had biscuits and gravy and eggs.  My favorite! And Henry was being especially darling.
11:00- Pick up my CAKE from the Sweet Tooth Fairy.  6 inches of Chocolate chip cookie dough cake goodness.  I haven't had sugar since Thanksgiving (except on Christmas Day) and this cake was a dream! But it did make me sick because my tummy isn't used to all that sugar!

11:30- Mom stays home with Henry while he naps and I find FOUR pairs of jeans at Target.  When you find jeans that fit- you buy them.  So I did.

1:00pm- Mom, Henry and I meet up with my favorite ward ladies for a big birthday lunch.  I am showered with love, cute gifts and great conversations.  Henry starts to loose it.  So Mom takes him home while I get to visit more.  That was very very nice and thoughtful of her.

4:00- Home and tired! I eat more cake.

6:00- One of my favorite friends, Brittany comes over and we talk great stuff for about an hour and a half.  We eat cake.

7:30- Hunter is home! Hunter gives me my big present- tickets to Weezer! We eat cake.  And we load the car to gather all my free birthday food.

9:00- Back at home.  Put my sweetie baby to sleep while the Youngs and Duncans come over to visit and have more cake.

11:30- I smile and eat my last slice of cake.  I am so loved and so happy.

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