Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Helpful Housekeeping Reminders

Again, from my paper files.  A list from Real Simple magazine.  January 2012

for the kitchen...
Sterilize a sponge by popping it in the microwave for a minute or throwing in the dishwasher for a cycle.  Replace every couple weeks.

Douse stains on the stove with a solution of water and dish soap.  After 10 minutes, wipe with a damp sponge.

When wooden utensils and cutting boards start to feel rough, buff with 400-grit sandpaper.  Rub in a food-safe mineral oil with a soft cloth; let soak in for a few minutes; wipe off excess.

for the bathroom....
dry the toilet brush before putting it away: position the brush head over the water by closing the lid on the handle.

for the bedroom....
once a year, remove the clothes from your closet.  Dust and vacuum the ceiling, walls, shelves, baseboards and floor.

for the living room...
clean remotes and keyboards weekly with a well-wrung-out disinfecting wipe.  Use a fresh cotton swab with rubbing alcohol to swab around buttons.

each week alternate the place where you start vacuuming the carpet.

Good little list!

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