Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Twenty Months for Henry

A couple of days ago little King turned 20 months.  
I don't even know where to start with how wonderful Henry is.  
He is happy, calm, learning to be obedient, animated, a perfect little sleeper, loves to play, watch movies, see kids and babies, his blanket.  He dances, smiles, laughs when he's so happy. He likes cars, trucks, playing rough with Daddy, mints, frozen blueberries, cherrios, life cereal and frosted mini wheats.  He signs "more" and "please" all day long.  He yells "Mommy!" and "Daddy" he says "no" all the time.  He says "hi" and waves good bye.  He says "more" too, come to think of it.  When I'm guessing what he wants/ needs, once I get to the right item he says "okay" in the most simple non dramatic way.  He recognizes pictures of Jesus everywhere.  He folds his arms for prayers, church and when he feels the Spirit.  He loves loves loves nursery.  He can do peg puzzles really well.  He likes to read.  He says "wow".  Which is so cute. He wears size 2T, has all teeth but four molars, takes a bath every night, we brush his teeth.  He likes to take his socks off immediately when he wakes up. He sleeps from 8:45pm- 9:00am.  He takes one nap at 1:30pm for 2 hours on average. He can take his shoes off.  He understands everything we say, and has retrieved items for me.  I can't even say Toy Story or "movie" or he will go into a fit wanting to watch something.  But if I put it on for just 10 minutes or so, he's okay when I turn it off.  But sometimes he watches the whole movie.  He will rarely sit in his high chair seat.  Mostly he stands on a regular kitchen chair to eat.  He likes the freedom of being able to get up and down by himself.  He always wants to take my phone.  When he does get it, he's in youtube immediately watching either David Archuleta's Gloria, or a Mickey Mouse cartoon.  His Mickey Mouse shirt from Todd is his favorite shirt and the only item of clothing that he gets excited to put on.  He likes to pretend to type on the computer fast like I do.  He likes to sweep and vacuum.  He's never been afraid of the vacuum.  He makes me cry when he's so happy. 
I love you, Henry. 


Here's the child's 20 month video interview. 

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