Sunday, April 10, 2016

If you have FIVE minutes...

A great list pulled from Real Simple magazine (January 2011).

If you have five minutes....

Call your dad.

Check your voice mail.

Move some random files on your computer desktop to the correct folders.

Floss your teeth.

Water the plants and wipe dusty leaves with a damp paper towel.

Untangle a necklace.

Cancel one appointment you just really don't want to keep.

Test pens or markers and toss the dead ones.

Pick up five things and put them where they belong.

Clean out your purse.

Get rid of one pair of shoes that kill your feet.

Scan your medicine cabinet and throw out any expired prescriptions, sunscreen and vitamins.

Test your spoke alarms.

Shred something.

Write a thank you note.

Create an emergency kit with bottled water, batteries, a flashlight and canned foods.

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