Saturday, January 31, 2015

Being Obedient

Yesterday my visiting teacher came and shared the month's message with me- Christ is our example of how to be obedient.  He was obedient to the Father.  In all the things.  In all ways.  To know Christ was to know the Father.

She also said that in her life (she is much my senior) that when life has been chaotic or crumbling, she looked for ways- even small ways- to be more obedient.  Especially in areas that would relate to her specific issues at the time.  Every time her vision cleared and her spirit calmed.

Good idea.  As I'm growing older my mind wants to worry more than have faith at times. I've learned that when I am consistent in scripture reading (particularly the Book of Mormon)- I don't worry! Like not at all!  But when a few days slack- I can feel the stress coming on to my brain.

I can receive this certain blessing when I am specifically obedient.

Doctrine and Covenants 130: 20-21:

 20 There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—
 21 And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Laundry Closet Project!

We love love love our house.  And we love improving any areas we can!  As baby is on his way- we needed some more space in the laundry closet.  We only have a hallway laundry "room"  but honestly I love it.  It stays clean and organized because it's small!  And it is right by our bedroom and feet away from our closet.  I know someday I will probably have a larger more spacious laundry- but really.  This one is so super convenient and I know I will always miss some of its aspects as we move on in life.

Anyways.  Hunter-the-man-who-can-do-anything, tackled the closet this past Saturday.  We started with this:

The previous owners had ripped out all the wood shelving and put in this wirey mess.  (In all the closets and garage in our house by the way.  Not cool.)  I also always have that black basket on top of the machines which is annoying.  There is not more room for extra baskets, crate or laundry detergent.  The iron is homeless.  And I would like to put a ton of food storage up high where I don't need to access it every day. 

So Hunter and I pulled everything out.  And he measured, cut and installed three beautiful shelves! 

As we put in the top one- we realized we had enough wood to do a "U" shaped shelf on top for extra  storage.  LOVE LOVE LOVE.  

Hunter wearing his "project hat". 

He's so cute.  

Caulking away!  Hunter always likes to do projects the right way and without leaving any steps out.  I appreciate that so much.  

Fresh paint! I debated over a new fun color.... but in the end just some fresh white will be the best in this room.  Especially if we decide to sell or rent out in the next few years. 

And voila!  Magical.  It should also be noted that Hunter-the-Great washed the floors and walls before and after his project!  That was one of my favorite parts!  That floor was GROSS. 

I opted out for cabinets because really- when I hang clothes to dry it is difficult to open cabinets for every little thing.  And because the space is so small, wide open shelves made the most sense.  The whole thing gets closed tightly behind those accordion doors too.  So we're good.  

A black basket for dirty towels and one for dirty baby clothes.  (!!!!) 
A place for the iron.  :-) It's the small things. 
Green crate for clean rags, purple crate for dirty rags, another green crate with cleaning gloves and products. A bucket for everything.  And some of my favorite detergent- Arm and Hammer!  (Laundry is always fresh.  Never ever ever EVER a mildew smell!)   

We will put in the hanging rod tonight.  I'll update then.  And now I need to FILL my jars (do some canning) so I can put them up on the tippity top shelf.  


Friday, January 16, 2015

This little week in January

Our kitchen went from this: 

to this:

Don't worry.  We're not done.

Just time for a change.  I have a little ache when we get rid of things we've had for a while.  The black table and chairs Hunter fixed up and painted for us before we got married.  I will always love the set.  I am glad our good friends will use it now!  I can still have visiting hours.  

This darling table we have now actually matches the china cabinet that sits in our front room.  Someday I will have a dining room and they can be together forever.  The set is my great grandmothers. I love it.  Sadly- my parents tossed the totally beat up chairs years ago.  But kept the table for me.  

So we are in the market for some dining chairs.  

We took our annual trip up to Scottsdale (20 minutes) to the Barrett-Jackson car show.  It's a great day with my dad and Hunter.  This yellow car here is my dad's new dream car.  
(The look on his face when he saw it there!- priceless) 
The blue one below it is an original Shelby Cobra.  Dad has built two of these replicas in his life and still has one sitting in his garage.  But that blue "Super Snake" will probably sell for a few millions this weekend at the car auction.  (Dad's is not worth millions.) 

 And then an instagram repost... with a little more words....

This week has been full of baby prep.  EVERYTHING from accepting wonderful hand me down cribs, play-yards, jumpers, furniture, clothing, and advice
 planning this nursery.  I just wish I could decorate five nurseries because I have so many ideas!  But balancing the furniture we already have and the money we don't have- I think I have come up with a pretty nice plan.  It has changed seven times this week tho.  Hunter is so patient.  
 prepping for baby shower registries.  Figuring out what we need and want.  
Had a doctor's appointment.  Got some instructions.  Have to do that glucose test in a few weeks.  Bleh.  I've done them before.  And I never pass.  Yikes.  Pray for me. 
and lastly
I'm reading Babywise.  I love it.  I've had quite a few recommendations-plus it seems to be a plan that rings true in my mind.  

But it's all about schedules.  Even if they are loose schedules.  They are schedules.  And I am SO BAD at being the boss of my own schedule.  I am productive but not CONSISTENT.  
During my walk last night (finally addressing the above photo)- and some scripture study afterwards.... I realized the BEST way for me to prepare for this sweet baby boy is for me to grow up and get on some type of schedule!  Mostly it's a consistent sleeping schedule.  I am so good at sleeping.  Lots of hours at night and lots of long naps.  I need to get control!  
I am not 19 anymore.  

So today was my first day.  8 full hours of sleep between midnight and 8am.  And no naps.  None.  I don't have control of my naps.  So none.  I've lost the privilege. 

Baby will throw off my schedule I KNOW- but I also know that as I fixate my body on the appropriate amount of sleep each night and try hard we will be blessed.  


Friday, January 9, 2015

Store-Bought Cinnamon Rolls

Today I bought Cinnamon Rolls from Albertson's Bakery.  

This was a triumph for me.  

I have a church meeting in the morning and as we planned it a few months ago- we decided to include a light breakfast. I volunteered for my assignment- Cinnamon Rolls.  

I make the BEST cinnamon rolls.  It's a mixture of a fantastic recipe, years of perfecting and a lot of cream cheese frosting.  

There are certain events each year where people plan on my rolls.  I am always happy to make them and feed people the best of the best.  

I believe that sacrifices for really good homemade food should always be taken and it's always worth it.  And yeah- I like it when I get the compliments.  

But today.  Today I am pregnant.  And a multi-step baking project that pans (pun intended) over three to four hours of tasks sounded overwhelming.  

But I can still do it!  I'm not going to let pregnancy and eventually my baby and then more babies get in the way of my culinary skills or my compliments!  

Then I chilled out.  "Natalie, why do you really have to make HOMEMADE cinnamon rolls?"  
I argued with myself for about ten minutes.  

Then I went to lunch with my mom.  She discussed homemade vs. store bought rolls with me for like twenty minutes.  Because she is a great mom.  And she understands the seriousness of my dilemma. 

Of course I should make them: 
"Homemade rolls are ACTUALLY cheaper."
"I know the recipe SO WELL- and I get the steps done so fast. "
"They really are the most delicious thing ever. "

And the opposing- Who cares!? 
"In the morning a frosted piece of bread is a frosted piece of bread. "
"$10 for a night free of dishes sounds amazing."
"I could get compliments for my homemade success, or I could take a nap." 

When we parted- still undecided I threw all this data into a cost vs. benefits equation in my head.... 
Then- and most importantly- I multiplied it by the advice I have heard moms give me for years, advice that I swore when I was the mom I was going to take to heart immediately:

"You can't do it all.  And that's okay.  Don't ever feel guilty that it's not all done!"


All of a sudden it was very clear that I am going to go buy those darn Cinnamon Rolls.

Really- I need to get over my pride, the OCD patch on my shoulder and the selfish thoughts that will actually take me AWAY from being a better mom.  

This was the first of many many thousands of decisions of the same kind that I will have to make as a mom.   It doesn't mean that I'm NEVER going to make my fantastic homemade rolls again.  It just means that my focus, my purpose, my "season" is changing.  

And honestly.  I love it. 

Maybe waiting years for babies has helped me reach a bunch of "ah-ha" moments before the added stress of being MOM.  

So instead of feeling lazy, GUILTY or like I was cheating everyone out of seriously delicious breakfast cake- I felt TRIUMPHANT! 

This was my first decision as a mom.

My first mom decision to choose the health, comfort, and the well being of myself and my baby over "being able to do it all". 

And everything and everyone is going to be fine.  

Except me- I'm better than fine- because I am the mom.  

And I don't have to make cinnamon rolls and I am going to take a nap. 

House Changes for 2015!

Every New Year our house gets some changes. I love decorating/ furniture placement changes. 
Because baby is on his way! We are having the New Year's changes of all changes around here! 

First of all- our Christmas present to us was a new computer!  So we utilized our kitchen desk space WAAAAYYYY better to have our new computer in the center of the house.  We had to clean up this space (Usually a pile of papers, junk and my purse) and created this perfect workspace!  We hung the little corkboard/ white board combo on the wall and got a new chair!  I LOVE IT. 

Because this space became our office- we really no longer needed an entire bedroom dedicated to desks and printers and honestly just more junk.  

We sold Hunter's IKEA desk (that he got for free years ago!), some old wall shelves, a printer, five corkboards (I have an obsession?), the old bulky desk chair, two boxes of books, some random speakers and decorative glass bottles that I can't believe I still had. 

The old guest bedroom is being slowly worked into a baby nursery and we were planning on getting rid of the bed.  But when we realized we no longer need an office room- we put together this guestroom/ small office desk area/ my favorite room right now. 

The curtains have been there for years- and I love how they totally draw together the orange, green and red.  Orange and red probably shouldn't be together- but really it works because of the curtains.  

Also- the five best men grace the wall:

The red desk now holds all essential office items that were strewn around the room on too much furniture before.  Laptop, printer, shredder.  And I must say that we hauled over the bedroom's closet to hold all my craft stuff (actually don't have much), sewing machine, other office supplies, all our files and junk.  

I am now looking  for a simple headboard and a lamp base to complete the shade that is sitting on the end table.   And probably some more big pillows. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jake's Baptism

Last Saturday we drove up early Saturday morning in this:

Got to a church building in Lakeside:

And our nephew Jake was baptized by Hunter's brother Nate.  

It was seriously such a good baptism.  Some are really better than others.  

Then we came outside and took this picture where my 22 week bump is hidden in Hunter's new Christmas suit:  

Back at Nate and Heidi's house Hunter (who I truly believe is Jake's favorite Uncle) and Jake had some good times while eating cheesy potatoes. 

And Mikah just smiled at me all day.  

The next evening we drove home.  I love when Hunter and I get to go on long drives/ mini road trips together.  Just the two of us.  We have the best talks.  I feel so cozy and safe.  We laugh a lot too.  

And we eat Doritos.  

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year's 2015

This is about exciting as NYE 2015 ended up being.  

Sippy cups full of sparkling cider after 10 minutes of fireworks.  

What do people really DO for New Year's?  I need ideas.  

Needless to say tho- 2015 is going to be *sparkly*.  

Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 Goals

{2015 Goals}

This year the list of goals has been cut by more than half from last year.  I really want to make 100% of them by the end of the year.  So I got a little more realistic.  Really, if I could learn more and exercise more I would feel good about this year. 

I'm going to elaborate on HOW these goals will be met this year.  

Walk 30 min a day- This one I simply just have to do.  I am not so great with concrete schedules- but when I have a daily "task list" that I have to get done before bed it seems to work out.  This will be on every day's task list.  Right now it's gorgeous outside and walking is easy.  We also have a gym membership for not so beautiful days.  After the baby comes I look forward to walking and pushing a stroller.  This has been a dream of mine for years.  I'm serious. 

Stop the sugar - Hunter and I are treat/ dessert free for January.  We are hoping to continue until the baby comes.  It helps so much with weight loss and cravings for all foods.  I also tend to have high sugar so this will help prevent gestational diabetes.  I eat nuts and fruit for dessert.  Or have trail mix or a glass of milk.  

Read 20 min a day- Fiction.  Non-fiction.  Just set a timer on my phone and read.  This is separate from scripture reading. 
Basic graphic software (including iMovie) - Learn from online sources such as youtube and from talented friends and family.  Make/ create at least one card for the year.  (Maybe baby's birth announcement.) Also create word art for baby's room.  Edit video from our vacations last year.   

Take one name to the temple- with our new Christmas computer (it's a dream) we can multi-task so much easier and faster.  I will sign up with and  As I pray and work I will find at least one sister to do work for in the temple.  
Journal/ blog each week - This can be either/ or.  I am going to start typing out journal entries, printing them and storing in three ring binders.  I type so much faster than writing.  When baby comes- I will print two copies of the entries that I want to include in baby's journal.  One for my binder and one for baby. I will have a separate three ring binder for each child through out my life.  Every entry will be in my journal binder- and then any I want to give to my children will be in each of theirs.  I will also save them on all the computer- obviously.  
And blogging once a week is really not that difficult. I can do it. 
Read the Book of Mormon before baby is born - I calculated that I need to read at least two chapters a day.  Not bad. I'm already ahead of schedule!  

With Hunter:
Pay off credit card- CC debt skyrocketed with in vitro this year.  We gotta pay for this baby! When we budget correctly we have a great sum left over that can slash debt each month.  It's all about spending less, eating at home more and just throwing bucks on the card.  
Meet our neighbors - It's just time.  We're going to knock on their door with a treat and say hi.  
Have more people in our house - We love our home.  We love people.  We are going to combine that more this year.  More people over for dinner, more game nights, more family dinners at our house.  Just come over, kids.  

Word of the Year: 

Patience - Oh I need this the most.  And since I will be a new mother this year- I thought this is a good year to really focus on patience.  Before baby and when baby comes.  I can only succeed on this goal (well all of them) with the help of my Savior and the Atonement.  So last year's word PRAY will continue through this year as I PRAY FOR PATIENCE each and every day. 

//2014 Goal Report//

These were my goals for last year (2014).  I am going to report on them in all caps.


-Learn two new songs on the piano YES! GILBERT YOUTH CHOIR HELPED ME DO THIS
-Read The Holy Temple, 1776 and an Anatomy book I READ OUT OF ALL THREE OF THESE BOOKS BUT DIDN'T FINISH ANY OF THEM.


-Be in bed by midnight and up by 8am HA. NO.


-Give out a Book of Mormon NO.  I NEED TO KEEP WORKING ON THIS.
-Be inconvenienced to serve YES. YES!
-Pray, pray, pray YES.


-Memory board for our bedroom  NO.  NOT SURE IF I STILL WANT TO DO THIS.
-Holiday board for hallway NO. BUT IT'S ON THE LIST BEFORE BABY COMES!
-Paint neutral walls white in house YES!
-Take more more more pictures YES!


-Maintain a current AZ teaching license YES!
-Get five more piano students YES!

With Hunter

-Up keep a garden  YES!
-Take at least two airplane trips YES- DC AND NYC

Word of the Year:  PRAY

So in summary- I feel good about this year.  I realize that I set a lot of goals.  Maybe too many.  But some years you just want to go for it!  I reached or semi-reached at least 50% of the goals I set.  It really helped to have these laminated and in a place where I saw them every day.  This was definitely the best year I've had about remembering my goals ALL YEAR and working on them throughout the whole year.  I love that all the goals I set with Hunter were met.  This year we set some more together and I hope that will help us reach them again!

I also feel really good that I journaled a lot more.  I felt like this helped my faith and helped us get pregnant.