Friday, January 9, 2015

Store-Bought Cinnamon Rolls

Today I bought Cinnamon Rolls from Albertson's Bakery.  

This was a triumph for me.  

I have a church meeting in the morning and as we planned it a few months ago- we decided to include a light breakfast. I volunteered for my assignment- Cinnamon Rolls.  

I make the BEST cinnamon rolls.  It's a mixture of a fantastic recipe, years of perfecting and a lot of cream cheese frosting.  

There are certain events each year where people plan on my rolls.  I am always happy to make them and feed people the best of the best.  

I believe that sacrifices for really good homemade food should always be taken and it's always worth it.  And yeah- I like it when I get the compliments.  

But today.  Today I am pregnant.  And a multi-step baking project that pans (pun intended) over three to four hours of tasks sounded overwhelming.  

But I can still do it!  I'm not going to let pregnancy and eventually my baby and then more babies get in the way of my culinary skills or my compliments!  

Then I chilled out.  "Natalie, why do you really have to make HOMEMADE cinnamon rolls?"  
I argued with myself for about ten minutes.  

Then I went to lunch with my mom.  She discussed homemade vs. store bought rolls with me for like twenty minutes.  Because she is a great mom.  And she understands the seriousness of my dilemma. 

Of course I should make them: 
"Homemade rolls are ACTUALLY cheaper."
"I know the recipe SO WELL- and I get the steps done so fast. "
"They really are the most delicious thing ever. "

And the opposing- Who cares!? 
"In the morning a frosted piece of bread is a frosted piece of bread. "
"$10 for a night free of dishes sounds amazing."
"I could get compliments for my homemade success, or I could take a nap." 

When we parted- still undecided I threw all this data into a cost vs. benefits equation in my head.... 
Then- and most importantly- I multiplied it by the advice I have heard moms give me for years, advice that I swore when I was the mom I was going to take to heart immediately:

"You can't do it all.  And that's okay.  Don't ever feel guilty that it's not all done!"


All of a sudden it was very clear that I am going to go buy those darn Cinnamon Rolls.

Really- I need to get over my pride, the OCD patch on my shoulder and the selfish thoughts that will actually take me AWAY from being a better mom.  

This was the first of many many thousands of decisions of the same kind that I will have to make as a mom.   It doesn't mean that I'm NEVER going to make my fantastic homemade rolls again.  It just means that my focus, my purpose, my "season" is changing.  

And honestly.  I love it. 

Maybe waiting years for babies has helped me reach a bunch of "ah-ha" moments before the added stress of being MOM.  

So instead of feeling lazy, GUILTY or like I was cheating everyone out of seriously delicious breakfast cake- I felt TRIUMPHANT! 

This was my first decision as a mom.

My first mom decision to choose the health, comfort, and the well being of myself and my baby over "being able to do it all". 

And everything and everyone is going to be fine.  

Except me- I'm better than fine- because I am the mom.  

And I don't have to make cinnamon rolls and I am going to take a nap. 

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